We rarely come across multitalented individuals with the skills and mindset necessary to take a unique approach in life. In the 21st century, we are not limited to one specific work area, nor are we expected to carry on with one single career our whole life. Instead, there is an influx of options available for anyone who wishes to master a field, and the IT sector is the most sought and prominent one yet.
IT’s far reach can be understood by delving into the global information technology market, which increased from $8,384.32 billion in 2021 to $9,358.51 billion in 2022. Hussen Shambesh is a UK-based renowned IT consultant and social media influencer who believes in exploring diverse fields to attain ultimate success.
Taking risks to exceed expectations and persevere in adversity, Hussen has left a lasting mark in the information technology industry. Originally from Libya, he was raised in the United Kingdom when his parents switched countries when he was two. After graduating from Manchester University, Hussen relocated to London to pursue a career in IT. London’s fast-paced life and tough market posed numerous hurdles to Hussen’s business growth and advancement in the tech sphere. After many tests and tribulations, he established himself in the IT industry and began anew.
In 2013, Hussen participated in the Fintech boom economy, working in various digital banking solutions, which led him to launch his own IT company. His firm grasp over Fintech and IT led him to serve numerous clients in finance, energy, healthcare, and many more. In 2018, he started creating travel content on his newly-established Instagram page. The account skyrocketed within a year and resulted in him earning travel sponsorship and other opportunities. During this time, he developed an interest in drone photography and piloting.
Taking aerial photos of Earth’s most serene and positively overwhelming locations has never been so simple. Hussen absolutely adores drone photography and advocates the ease it has created for photographers worldwide. Manning a high-flying camera is undoubtedly the most bizarre advancement in photography, but Shambesh remarks on its brilliance and demonstrates great finesse. Additionally, he believes that drones are not just fun to use but are also revolutionary, similar to a remote-controlled gizmo for the photo enthusiast. Drone photography is now an essential part of his personal and professional life.
While working in multiple fields may sound a little too much for most, Hussen practically thrives on it. He travels extensively and is also developing an interest as a photographer, selling fantastic high-definition aerial photos from his travels abroad. More so, he educates his followers on various ways to earn money from side hustles and hobbies to become financially independent. Hussen is living the life he always dreamed of and is currently focused on expanding his IT business through social media and vlogging his international travels, making it a global venture.
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